A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
by James DE MILLE (1833 - 1880)
The Finding of the Copper Cylinder - 15:39
Adrift in the Antarctic Ocean - 17:02
A World of Fire and Desolation - 17:31
The Sight of Human Beings - 22:43
The Torrent Sweeping Under the Mountains - 16:22
The New World - 23:34
Scientific Theories and Scepticism - 24:46
The Cave-Dwellers - 17:18
The Cavern of the Dead - 17:38
The Sacred Hunt - 15:17
The Swamp Monster - 18:11
The Baleful Sacrifice - 13:32
The Awful Mista Kosek - 16:44
I Learn My Doom - 14:53
The Kohen is Inexorable - 16:54
The Kosekin - 16:41
Belief and Unbelief - 26:46
A Voyage Over the Pole - 19:13
The Wonders of the Amir - 20:07
The Dark Maiden Layelah - 16:45
The Flying Monster - 19:41
Escape - 18:45
The Island of Fire - 19:14
Recapture- 23:37
Falling, like Icarus, into the Sea - 13:09
Grimms Law Again - 16:11
Oxenden Preaches a Sermon - 11:20
In Prison - 18:04
The Ceremony of Separation - 17:34
The Day of Sacrifice - 19:00
Conclusion - 11:54