An Antarctic Mystery, or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields
by Jules VERNE (1828 - 1905)
The Kerguelen Islands - 13:26
The Schooner Halbrane - 14:55
Captain Len Guy - 16:14
From the Kerguelen Isles to Prince Edward Island - 22:21
Edgar Poe’s Romance - 36:13
An Ocean Waif - 12:58
Tristan D’Acunha - 15:07
Bound for the Falklands - 10:46
Fitting out the Halbrane - 17:34
The Outset of the Enterprise - 12:15
From the Sandwich Islands to the Polar Circle - 15:49
Between the Polar Circle and the Ice Wall - 15:33
Along the Front of the Icebergs - 13:59
A Voice in a Dream - 07:37
Bennet Islet - 10:32
Tsalal Island - 16:37
And Pym Part 01 - 18:32
And Pym Part 02 - 18:46
A Revelation Part 01 - 15:48
A Revelation Part 02 - 11:11
Land? Part 01- 17:08
Land? Part 02 - 21:56
“Unmerciful Disaster" Part 01 - 17:38
“Unmerciful Disaster" Part 02 - 25:26
“Unmerciful Disaster" Part 03 - 18:30
Amid the Mists - 12:41
In Camp - 16:09
Found at Last - 13:44
Eleven Years in a Few Pages - 16:26
“We Were the First" - 23:21
A Little Remnant - 11:42