Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts (version 2)
by Frank R. Stockton (1834 - 1902)
The Bold Buccaneers - 06:58
Some Masters in Piracy - 13:54
Pupils in Piracy - 09:04
Peter the Great - 11:09
The Story of a Pearl Pirate - 10:56
The Surprising Adventures of Bartholemy Portuguez - 13:07
The Pirate who could not Swim - 14:52
How Bartholemy rested Himself - 07:41
A Pirate Author - 09:03
The Story of Roc, the Brazilian - 20:51
A Buccaneer Boom - 06:18
The Story of L'Olonnois the Cruel - 08:35
A Resurrected Pirate - 14:40
Villany on a Grand Scale - 14:30
A Just Reward - 18:51
A Pirate Potentate - 15:06
How Morgan was helped by Some Religious People - 09:46
A Piratical Aftermath - 07:24
A Tight Place for Morgan - 14:48
The Story of a High-Minded Pirate - 24:59
Exit Buccaneer; Enter Pirate - 11:10
The Great Blackbeard comes upon the Stage - 14:13
A True-Hearted Sailor draws his Sword - 09:11
A Greenhorn under the Black Flag - 08:46
Bonnet again to the Front - 11:39
The Battle of the Sand Bars - 14:10
A Six Weeks/Pirate - 14:00
The Story of Two Women Pirates - 14:08
A Pirate from Boyhood - 21:45
A Pirate of the Gulf - 22:31
The Pirate of the Buried Treasure - 30:16
The Real Captain Kidd - 20:25