Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon - Part 02
by Jules Verne (1828 - 1905)
Part 2, Chapter 1: Manaos - 08:24
Part 2, Chapter 2: The First Moments - 13:23
Part 2, Chapter 3: Retrospective - 13:40
Part 2, Chapter 4: Moral Proofs - 14:08
Part 2, Chapter 5: Material Proofs - 09:25
Part 2, Chapter 6: The Last Blow - 17:30
Part 2, Chapter 7: Resolutions - 09:42
Part 2, Chapter 8: The First Search - 21:42
Part 2, Chapter 9: The Second Attempt - 08:32
Part 2, Chapter 10: A Cannon Shot - 16:04
Part 2, Chapter 11: The Contents of the Case - 09:57
Part 2, Chapter 12: The Document - 21:18
Part 2, Chapter 13: Is it a Matter of Figures? - 18:35
Part 2, Chapter 14: Chance! - 17:19
Part 2, Chapter 15: The Last Efforts - 12:34
Part 2, Chapter 16: Preparations - 14:05
Part 2, Chapter 17: The Last Night - 13:49
Part 2, Chapter 18: Fragoso - 14:04
Part 2, Chapter 19: The Crime of Tijuco - 12:47
Part 2, Chapter 20: the Lower Amazon - 17:42