Five Little Peppers Abroad - Part 02
by: Margaret Sidney (1844 - 1924)
Mr. King Does His Duty - 16:44
Let Us Fly at Those Books - 14:32
Polly Wrote a Nice Little Note - 18:56
Bayreuth and Old Friends - 19:56
Mr. King Has a Little Plan for Polly - 23:10
'I Should Make Him Happy,' Said Phronsie - 22:40
On the Rigi-Kulm - 20:17
Polly Tries to Help - 18:11
In the Shadow of the Matterhorn - 22:04
The Round Robin - 18:42
On the Mer de Glace - 27:15
Well, Here We Are In Paris! -
'I've Found Him!' Exclaimed Jasper - 15:49
'Well, I Got Him Here,' Said the Little Earl - 20:53