Leaves of Grass - Book 1
by Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892)
Book 1: Inscriptions - 24:14
Book 2: Starting from Paumanok - 28:01
Book 3: Song of Myself, part 1 - 55:00
Book 3: Song of Myself, part 2 - 44:36
Book 3: Song of Myself, part 3 - 32:46
Book 4: Children of Adam - 46:30
Book 5: Calamus - 45:59
Book 6: Salut au Monde! - 24:18
Book 7: Song of the Open Road - 24:04
Book 8: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry - 14:32
Book 9: Song of the Answerer - 09:53
Book 10: Our Old Feuillage - 13:29
Book 11: A Song of Joys - 16:16
Book 12: Song of the Broad-Axe - 25:22
Book 13: Song of the Exposition - 23:25
Book 14: Song of the Redwood-Tree - 10:12
Book 15: A Song for Occupations - 17:36
Book 16 - 13:40
Book 17: Birds of Passage - 33:12
Book 18 - 08:29