Lilith - Book 2
by George MacDonald (1824 - 1905)
The Princess - 18:11
A Battle Royal - 10:28
The Silent Fountain - 08:09
I Am Silenced - 07:19
The Persian Cat - 16:20
Adam Explains - 10:14
The Sexton\’s Old Horse - 12:07
The Lovers and the Bags - 12:27
Lona\’s Narrative - 16:57
Preparation - 12:45
The Little Ones in Bulika - 11:24
Mother and Daughter - 11:15
The Shadow - 06:50
To The House of Bitterness - 18:14
That Night - 28:51
The House of Death - 29:49
I Am Sent - 09:28
I Sleep The Sleep - 14:05
The Dreams That Came - 20:22
The Waking - 12:19
The Journey Home - 10:05
The City - 09:44
The “Endless Ending” - 04:33