Our Island Story, Part 1 - Book 1
by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall (1867 - 1941)
Introduction - 03:40
The Stories of Albion and Brutus - 07:17
The Coming of the Romans - 08:38
The Romans Come Again - 05:06
How Caligula Conquered Britain - 08:01
The Story of a Warrior Queen - 08:40
The Last of the Romans - 08:16
The Story of St. Alban - 10:08
Vortigern and King Constans - 09:03
The Coming of Hengist and Horsa - 09:22
Hengist's Treachery - 07:36
How the Giant's Dance was Brought to Britain - 10:32
The Coming of Arthur - 06:28
The Founding of the Round Table - 07:42
Gregory and the Pretty Children - 11:36
How King Alfred Learned to Read - 06:26
King Alfred in the Cowherd's Cottage - 09:39
More About Alfred the Great - 07:51
Ethelred the Unready - 08:06
How Edmund Ironside Fought for the Crown - 08:16
Canute and the Waves - 05:41
Edward the Confessor - 11:08
Harold - 13:18
The Battle of Stamford Bridge - 12:08
The Battle of Hastings - 12:28
William the Conqueror - 11:35
Death of the King - 07:47