Short Poetry Collection 082
by VARIOUS ( - )
Annabel Lee - 02:23
Don't You See? - 09:49
Epitaph For Himself - 00:44
The Flowers - 00:50
Fog - 00:31
The Great Lover - 05:02
The Happiest Day - 01:30
Hymn to Love - 03:07
Long John Brown and Little Mary Bell- 01:16
Music: An Ode - 02:19
My Aunt - 02:07
Nothing to Wear - 22:30
Oh Captain! My Captain! - 08:31
Ozymandias - 01:13
Piano - 01:36
A Smack in School - 02:06
The Smile - 00:47
Song - 01:40
Speak of the North! A Lonely Moor - 00:54
The Talented Man - 03:02
A Tragic Tale - 01:38
When Love Went - 01:13