Sons and Lovers-Book 1
by: D. H. Lawrence (1885 - 1930)
01a- The Early Married Life of the Morels, Part A - 35:49
01b – The Early Married Life of the Morels, Part B - 35:12
02 – The Birth of Paul, and Another Battle - 50:51
03 – The Casting Off of Morel - 31:56
04a – The Young Life of Paul, Part A - 32:06
04b – The Young Life of Paul, Part 2 - 37:26
05a – Paul Launches Into Life, Part 1 - 37:26
05b – Paul Launches Into Life, Part 2 - 37:44
06a – Death in the Family, Part 1 - 37:48
06b – Death in the Family, Part 2 - 37:28
07a – Lad-and-Girl Love, Part 1 - 32:44
07b – Lad-and-Girl Love, Part 2 - 36:53
07c – Lad-and-Girl Love, Part 3 - 34:25
08a – Strife in Love, Part 1 - 32:55
08b – Strife of Love, Part 2 - 59:08