The Black Tulip - Part 01
by Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870)
A Grateful People - 20:27
The Two Brothers - 16:48
The Pupil of John de Witt - 17:26
The Murderers - 19:05
The Tulip-fancier and his Neighbour - 18:24
The Hatred of a Tulip-fancier - 15:04
The Happy Man makes Acquaintance with Misfortune - 20:45
An Invasion - 14:14
The Family Cell - 09:19
The Jailer's Daughter - 08:38
Cornelius van Baerle's Will - 23:33
The Execution - 06:52
What was going on all this Time in the Mind of one of the Spectators - 08:36
The Pigeons of Dort - 09:23
The Little Grated Window - 12:37
Master and Pupil - 12:49
The First Bulb - 15:41