The Golden Road - Part 01
by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942)
Dedication and Foreward - 01:30
A New Departure - 13:09
A Will, A Way and a Woman - 16:14
The Christmas Harp - 17:35
New Year Resolutions - 20:36
The First Number of Our Magazine - 16:15
Great-Aunt Eliza\’s Visit - 25:26
We Visit Cousin Mattie\’s - 06:40
We Visit Peg Bowen - 25:34
Extracts - 15:12
Disappearance of Paddy - 11:39
The Witch\’s Wishbone - 09:32
Flowers O\’ May - 13:01
A Surprising Announcement - 10:18
A Prodigal Returns - 15:05
The Rape of the Lock - 13:45
Aunt Una\’s Story - 11:57