The Mill on the Floss - Part 02
by: George Eliot (1819 - 1880)
Book 04 – The Valley of Humiliation - Chapter 01 - A Variation of Protestantism Unknown to Bossuet - 12:12
Chapter 02 - The Torn Nest Is Pierced by the Thorns - 12:40
Chapter 03 - A Voice from the Past - 36:49
Book 05 – Wheat and Tares - Chapter 01 - In the Red Deeps - 28:48
Chapter 02 - Aunt Glegg Learns the Breadth of Bob's Thumb - 51:28
Chapter 03 - The Wavering Balance - 13:57
Chapter 04 - Another Love-Scene - 14:06
Chapter 05 - The Cloven Tree - 28:08
Chapter 06 - The Hard-Won Triumph - 10:12
Chapter 07 - A Day of Reckoning - 14:45
Book 06 - The Great Temptation – Chapter 01 - A Duet in Paradise - 18:55
Chapter 02 - First Impressions - 32:00
Chapter 03 - Confidential Moments - 13:40
Chapter 04 - Brother and Sister - 15:40
Chapter 05 - Showing That Tom Had Opened the Oyster - 14:09
Chapter 06 - Illustrating the Laws of Attraction - 24:19
Chapter 07 - Philip Re-enters - 24:19
Chapter 08 - Wakem in a New Light - 16:54
Chapter 09 - Charity in Full-Dress - 22:25
Chapter 10 - The Spell Seems Broken - 14:20
Chapter 11 - In the Lane - 16:18
Chapter 12 - A Family Party - 15:43
Chapter 13 - Borne Along by the Tide - 32:34
Chapter 14 – Waking - 23:41
Book 07 - The Final Rescue - Chapter 01 - The Return to the Mill - 18:38
Chapter 02 - St. Ogg's Passes Judgment - 22:35
Chapter 03 - Showing That Old Acquaintances Are Capable of Surprising Us - 18:06
Chapter 04 - Maggie and Lucy - 17:27
Chapter 05 - The Last Conflict - 30:37