The Mountain Girl - Part 01
by Payne Erskine (1854 - 1924)
In which David Thryng arrives at Carew's Crossing - 20:46
In which David Thryng experiences the Hospitality of the Mountain People - 33:31
In which Aunt Sally takes her Departure and meets Frale - 22:06
David spends his First Day at his Cabin, and Frale makes his Confession - 26:20
In which Cassandra goes to David with her Trouble, and gives Frale her Promise - 26:34
In which David aids Frale to make his Escape - 22:18
In which Frale goes down to Farington in his own Way - 23:47
In which David Thryng makes a Discovery- 27:52
In which David accompanies Cassandra on an Errand of Mercy - 21:20
n which Cassandra and David visit the Home of Decatur Irwin - 23:23
In which Spring comes to the Mountains, and Cassandra tells David of her Father - 19:58
In which Cassandra hears the Voices, and David leases a Farm - 22:05
In which David discovers Cassandra's Trouble - 26:29
In which David visits the Bishop, and Frale sees his Enemy - 33:56
In which Jerry Carew gives David his Views on Future... -