The Sea Wolf
by Jack LONDON (1876 - 1916)
01: I scarcely know where to begin - 19:39
02: I seemed swinging in a a mighty - 19:08
03: Wolf Larsen ceased swearing - 26:19
04: What happened to me next - 16:10
05: But my first night in the hunters' steerage - 18:48
06: By the following morning the storm - 33:17
07: At last, after three days of variable wind - 08:23
08: Sometimes I think Wolf Larsen mad - 17:42
09: Three days of rest, three blessed days - 21:26
10: My intimacy with Wolf Larsen increases - 16:27
11: The Ghost has attained the southernmost point - 15:03
12: The last twenty-four hours have witnessed - 24:17
13: For three days I did my own work, and Thomas - 10:06
14: It has dawned upon me that I have never - 18:42
15: There was a deal of cursing and groaning- 13:48
16: I cannot say that the position of mate - 17:25
17: Strange to say, in spite of the general foreboding, - 32:54
18: The next day, while the storm was blowing itself out - 16:53
19: I came on deck to find the Ghost heading up close - 15:15
20: The remainder of the day passed uneventfully. - 18:23