The Sea Wolf-2
by Jack LONDON (1876 - 1916)
21: The chagrin Wolf Larsen felt from being ignored - 11:05
22: I knew what it was as she came toward me. - 08:29
23: Brave winds, blowing fair, swiftly drove the Ghost -12:22
24: Among the most vivid memories of my life - 15:57
25: "You've been on deck, Mr. Van Weyden," - 30:35
26: Wolf Larsen took the distribution of the whiskey - 30:55
27: Day broke, grey and chill. - 18:12
28: There is no need of going into - 16:36
29: "Fool!" I cried aloud in my vexation. - 13:09
30: No wonder we called it Endeavour Island. - 17:37
31: "It will smell," I said, "but it will keep in the heat - 06:33
32: I awoke, oppressed by a mysterious sensation. - 19:22
33: We waited all day for Wolf Larsen to come ashore. - 14:20
34: "It's too bad the Ghost has lost her masts. - 12:08
35: Next day, the mast-steps clear, and everything in readiness, - 15:03
36: For two days Maud and I ranged the sea - 22:06
37: At once we moved aboard the Ghost, - 20:43
38: "I think my left side is going," Wolf Larsen wrote, - 07:38
39: The day came for our departure. - 16:34