The Trumpet Major - Part 01
by Thomas Hardy (1840 - 1928)
Preface - 04:14
What Was Seen From the Window Overlooking the Down - 20:51
Somebody Knocks and Comes In - 18:06
The Mill Becomes an Important Centre of Operations - 17:28
Who Were Present at the Miller's Little Entertainment - 07:17
The Song and the Stranger - 16:52
Old Mr. Derriman of Oxwell Hall - 24:00
How They Talked in the Pastures - 08:13
Chapter 08 - Anne Makes a Circuit of the the Camp - 15:13<
Anne is Kindly Fetched by the Trumpet-Major - 28:19
The Matchmaking Virtues of a Double Garden - 15:42
Our People Are Affected by the Presence of Royalty - 20:56
How Everybody Great and Small Climbed... - 14:48
The Conversation in the Crowd - 12:20
Later in the Eve. of the Same Day - 09:15
'Captain' Bob Loveday of the Merchant Service - 22:34
They Make Ready for the Illustrious Stranger - 22:52
Two Fainting Fits and a Bewilderment - 15:35
The Night After the Arrival- 13:21
Miss Johnson's Behaviour Causes No Little Surprise - 19:05
How They Lessened the Effect of the Calamity - 19:06
'Upon the Hill He Turned' - 12:29