The Trumpet Major - Part 02
by Thomas Hardy (1840 - 1928)
The Two Households United - 23:18
Military Preparations on an Extended Scale - 21:28
A Letter, A Visitor and a Tin Box - 10:09
Festus Shows His Love - 12:56
The Alarm - 26:27
Danger to Anne - 16:55
Anne Does Wonders - 24:08
A Dissembler - 09:19
At The Theatre Royal - 16:33
Midnight Visitors - 13:46
Deliverance - 12:01
A Discovery Turns the Scale - 23:11
A Speck on the Sea - 23:16
A Sailor Enters - 16:09
Derriman Sees Chances - Reaction - 19:53
A Delicate Situation - 20:36
Bob Loveday Struts Up and Down - 22:57
A Call on Business- 15:50
John Marches into the Night - 08:38