Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Part 02
by Jules Verne (1828 - 1905)
A New Proposition from Captain Nemo - 23:27
A Pearl Worth Ten Million - 28:11
The Red Sea - 30:26
Arabian Tunnel - 20:54
The Greek Islands - 25:32
The Mediterranean in Forty–Eight Hours - 25:07
The Bay of Vigo - 25:06
A Lost Continent - 26:08
The Underwater Coalfields - 26:28
The Sargasso Sea - 22:03
Sperm Whales and Baleen Whales - 24:54
The Ice Bank - 27:22
The South Pole - 32:27
Accident or Incident? - 17:34
Shortage of Air - 23:36
From Cape Horn to the Amazon - 23:18
The Devilfish - 23:41
The Gulf Stream - 24:58
In Latitude 47° 24' and Longitude 17° 28' - 19:49
A Mass Execution - 20:29
The Last Words of Captain Nemo - 17:23
Conclusion - 04:15