Author: Sui Sin Far / Year: 1865 - 1914 / Genre: Easter, Spring Mrs. Spring Fragrance: Mrs. Spring Fragrance. The inferior woman. The wisdom of the new. "Its wavering image". The gift of Little Me. The story of one white woman who married a Chinese. Her Chinese husband. The Americanizing of Pau Tsu. In the land of the free. The Chinese lily. The smuggling of Tie Co. The God of restoration. The three souls of Ah So Nan. The prize China baby. Lin John. Tian Shan's kindred spirit. The Sing Song Woman -- Tales of Chinese children: Silver leaves. The peacock lantern. Children of peace. The banishment of Ming and Mai. The story of a little Chinese seabird. What about the cat? The wild man and the gentle boy. The garments of the fairies. The dreams that failed. Glad Yen. The deceptive mat. The heart's desire. The candy that is not sweet. The inferior man. The merry blind-man. Misunderstood. The Little Fat One. A Chinese boy-girl. Pat and Pan. The Crocodile Pagoda. Spring