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    • E-Book-Mecca

Author: Walter Ben Hare   Year: 1880-1950   Genre: Christmas

The love of mimetic representation, either as a participant or as a spectator, is an ineradicable instinct of childhood and adolescence. Most of these
plays call for a somewhat large number of children. This need not daunt the producer as the chief characters are few and many of the parts have
very few lines to speak. Many extra children may be introduced in several of the plays, as a chorus. At Christmas time, the children's season, it is
 best to allow all who so desire to take part in the entertainment. Some of the parts are rather long, but all have been played by children of the
age indicated in the text. Very little children have sometimes done remarkable work in the plays. I remember one instance when a very tiny Tiny
 Tim, who was not four years old, spoke his part correctly, was heard in every corner of the church and acted with a naturalness that was indeed