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Author: Victor Hugo / Year: 1802-1885  / Genre: Historic Novels

Book 03
The group spends the day in Saint-Cloud, to the west of Paris. They’re all in a good mood, beaming with youth and beauty. Fantine in particular is splendid-looking, with rosy lips, thick blond hair, an easy laugh, and a dress less revealing than the others’. Fantine is also modest and innocent, trusting perhaps too much in Tholomyes.

Author: Victor Hugo  / Year: 1802-1885  / Genre: Historic Novels

Book 04

The other girls are open to the kisses of all the boys, but Fantine only has eyes for Tholomyes. After breakfast the party goes to see a newly arrived plant from India at the King’s Square. They return through Issy, a national park, where Tholomyes makes up a song in Spanish. He sings it as he swings the girls on a rope between two trees. Only Fantine is too modest to join in. At times Favourite asks what the surprise is, and Tholomyes tells her to be patient.