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    • E-Book-Mecca

Author: Nina Planck /Genre: Cook

Farmers' markets are springing up all over the UK. The basic idea - of local farmers selling their own produce
 - has been enthusiastically taken up by shoppers who value fresh, local produce at a reasonable price.
Nina Planck, who has orchestrated the renaissance in London, is passionate about fresh, seasonal food.
Her Farmers' Market Cookbook aims to remind those of us numbed by the supermarket shopping
 experience about what is available in each season, what to expect and look for at the market, and
suggests simple, delicious recipes such as Pork Chops Stuffed with Apple and Horseradish and
 Raspberry Buttermilk Pancakes. With a foreword by Nigel Slater, this beautiful cookbook is
destined to become a British classic.