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Author: Dr. Paraskevas / Year: Current  / Genre:Religon

In times of Apocalypse, this book will help you to start your own New Age of Spirituality
 beyond traditional religion.

“ Then I saw heaven opened. And behold, a white horse. He Who sat on it was called
 Faithful and True. And His name is Word of God. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp
 sword. And the beast and the false prophets were all terminated through it.”
Revelation, 19

This is how Christians foresaw the coming of a Messiah of God. Most other religions,
 also, vision the coming of a Messiah on a white horse ( Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, etc ).
Well, but what exactly these visions mean in the mundane life we live ?
  The symbol of a “human on a horse” was always used to represent the
 “mind over matter” , “intelligence over instincts” , “spirituality over senses
” relations in us. And the “beast” symbolizes the reversed relations. In fact,
it symbolizes the ignorance in us. And especially, our ignorance about God.